When dating someone, you may feel anxious to make things official as soon as possible. You might be already daydreaming about your future together and craving to turn this dating into an official relationship.
But before making it public by making announcements on your social media statuses, it’s vital to understand how many dates are before making it official. Many people need clarification about how many dates they should go on before starting a relationship.
Continue reading to discover some amazing facts on how long you should wait before making your relationship public.
How many dates before making your relationship official?
A 2015 dating survey with 11000 people worldwide states they go on 5 to 6 dates before discussing a severe relationship. Some of them take even longer to think about a relationship. On average most people go on 5 to 6 dates before making things official.
Don’t worry if you consider this number a meager or excessive value. The number varies from person to person.
When does dating turn into a relationship?
There is no magic number to tell you how many dates you have before making your relationship official. I know it’s different from what you are looking for, but what it is. We all are different and have different experiences, so how can we have an identical relationship with other? The approach you find working would be best for you and your partner.
Some relationships become official even after their second date, and some can take up to 10 weeks to have a perfect time. Here are the two general rules in dating.
What is 5 date rule?
According to the survey, girls keep their new dates out of the bedroom till date number five. Before entering the relationship, she wants two gifts as a token of affection, five social media messages, seven passionate kisses, and not to mention the bunch of flowers on their every date.
What is 10 date rule?
While it seems premature to be willing to be official and exclusive with someone after just one date, some people believe it’s essential to go on for at least 6 to 10 days before making the relationship official.
Such people agree with the 10-date rule. They believe it prevents you from getting hurt and falling in love with someone not a match for you. Waiting to know the person before having any emotional attachment will benefit you in deciding wisely.
After 10 dates, you will have a clear idea about the future of this relationship. It will let you know if you are compatible and whether this relationship will work.
Signs you are moving to an official relationship

Once you start getting together well, you will notice different signs that both of you are taking the relationship from dating to making it official. Here are some of the most common ones.
You are already discussing your future together.
It’s the most common signal that you both have already started thinking about the future of your relationship. When the relationship doesn’t have much hope, you will see that you two never discussed any dreams, plans, or future hopes.
Plans don’t have to be necessarily big. They can be as simple as “We should go for the road trip in spring” or “ We should go for hiking this vocation.”
Often speak about the relationship.
If you are frequently discussing your relationship, it can be a great sign that you two are serious about it. Talking about how great you can be as a girlfriend or a boyfriend is a perfect example. At such moments the next person is trying to tell you he is ready to make a serious commitment.
They will also start observing if you are satisfied with them and randomly ask if you are happy. It’s a signal of readiness and will also show how many dates before the relationship.
You have met their friends.
When you two start getting involved in each other’s social life, it’s a sign that you are serious about each other. When two people are just dating, they don’t involve much in their social life, but the fact that you two are getting comfortable in each other’s environment is a big green sign.
If your friends like your partner, it’s another positive sign. Good friends let you know when they though you are wrong about something.
Do you wish to hang out more together?
When you are serious about the relationship, you start valuing each other. You both begin enjoying each other company and become fond of hanging out together. If this is not the case, I don’t think you should consider a formal relationship now.
They are ready to make things official when they become exclusive to you. If they tell you they aren’t seeing anyone else and aren’t planning to do so, it’s safe to ask.
You can make the relationship official if you trust each other and do not plan to see anyone else.
You both have intimate and meaningful time together
Small conversations are generally superficial. You develop a solid and emotional relationship when discussing painful memories, deeper values, and essential beliefs. It signifies that you two are ready for a serious and official relationship.
When you two start saying wake up way past bedtime to talk to each other, or lose the time track together, know that you are in the right direction.
You treat each other as if you are already in a relationship.
Another essential factor in answering: “How many dates before the relationship is official” is your partner’s behavior. You must have made it official if you are equally attracted and have felt throughout the dates.
If both of you are comfortable taking the relationship to the next step, go for it. It’s the best time to do it. Don’t forget that a relationship involves two people, so do it when you are both ready.
You can’t picture yourself without him.
This sign revolves around how comfortable you are with him. If you like spending time with him and want the relationship to work, go for it. You have chosen the right person if you have started envisioning your future with them.
Once you like someone, you can’t think of others in their place. Don’t make any statement till you are 100% sure of your feelings. Don’t go for it even if your partner is insisting on you. Commit to a relationship when 100% sure, so you don’t have to go through emotional drama and heartbreak.
How to make the relationship official?
You have already been on many dates but haven’t spoken to each other about making the relationship official. So I have a few things to help you move the situation and confidently make your relationship official.
Simply ask them
You must have heard the phrase, “Honesty is the best policy.” So why not be confident and ask them? It does sound bold yet scary, but if things are going well, you will surely get a positive answer. If not, then it’s time for you to move on.
Change your social media status.
Another passive way to make things official is by changing your social media status. If the person you are dating changes their status after seeing yours, it’s official. This trick has worked for many of us, so try it.
Are you dating other people?
A perfect way to find out if the person you are dating is only seeing you is by asking the. By asking that you don’t have to do anything, you will still get the answer on how serious they are about the relationship.
Delete your dating profile.
Keeping your dating profile active means that you are still finding a match. Inactive the profile to let your partner know you have found your match and how serious you are about them. Things are going well if they respond well to the gesture, but an explicit talk is always the best idea.
The thing to remember is that dating is fun, so don’t let it be hectic. No doubt, people in their 30 are racing against the clock, and they try to speed up the process. Don’t overspend; moving slowly but steadily is always a better option.
The early stage of the relationship is filled with magical moments, anticipation, enjoyment, and some moments that give you butterflies and goosebumps. It’s a fun time, so enjoy the ride.
How long should I wait before getting into a relationship?
For most couples, 1 to 3 months is a standard dating period before having a serious relationship. If you have already been dating for 3 to 4 weeks, don’t worry; most couples take more time than mentioned. You can take it slowly and make it official when you feel the right moment.
How many dates before asking her to be your girlfriend?
If you are wondering how many dates before the relationship, let me clarify it depends on your understanding. Some people make the relationship public after two dates; for some, it can be up to 10 dates. Most people go for 5 to 6 dates before making their relationship official.
How do I move from dating to an official relationship?
Here are some tips that will help you to move from dating to having a relationship:
- See if you and your partner are ready to be in a relationship
- Have a deep conversation
- Let your relationship progress with time
- See if they are a good fit for you
- Spend more time together
- Connect on a more profound and emotional level
- Express your feelings
How many dates before the relationship? The number of dates before the relationship entirely depends upon you. Only you are the person with how many dates you need before getting into a relationship. Some dating rules, like the 10-date rule, help you to consider the relationship without any emotional investment. Such rules don’t let you get hurt easily.
If you still need clarification and wondering how many dates before making the relationship official, consult a relationship therapist for guidance.
Evelyn Smith is a professional couple therapist. She has worked with families and couples for more than 14 years as a professional. Her work focuses on helping families, and young couples rediscover the joy of being together. She believes every couple can transform their relationship into a healthier one through wholehearted actions. The purposeful actions deepen the ties and resolve every conflict.