Love & Relationship

Long-term relationships result from compassionate love, deep affection, strong commitment, and intimate feelings. In this category, we will explain this knowledge in detail.

What kills long-distance relationships?

In a world of instantaneous and endless possibilities for connection, long-distance relationships are becoming more and more common. But these opportunities don’t make them less complicated.  As a person currently in a long-distance relationship, you should know what kills long-distance relationships. It’s essential to understand the hurdles, not to see them in fear but to […]

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What Do Guys Want In A Long-distance Relationship?

What do guys want in a long-distance relationship?

Long distance relationships “LDRs” are a mix of the bittersweet pain of missing the one you love and the joy of video chats.  There is no doubt about the fact that long-distance relationships are hard to sustain. Maintaining a relationship, especially when there is no physical contact, requires a strong commitment from both partners.  Knowing

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